To create a responsive, lightning fast and secure websites with an amazing user experience.
Exopite One -with a page builder- is allow you to create unique sites for anything without a single line of coding. Premium-grade theme for free!
So what are the significant differents between Exopite and other themes?
Why Exopite? In my daily job, I create websites. I use a lot of premium themes. They have flows, missing features, what I want or the customers regularly request.
I created this theme, for better speed, SEO, easier customization and because I think the end-user need some extra but important features without install a plugin.
The theme is GDPR conform. See below.
Speed. Memory.
Page speed is important not only for SEO but also for user experience.
Security features
on the internet all sites constantly exposed to hacks. I want to make hackers job harder.
SEO features
you don't have to install plugins for good Google ranking. You could, for even a better Google ranking, but you don't have to.
Full control over archive pages
Neither WordPress nor themes care about archive pages deeply. A lots of customer want to design this pages. Now you can! Select a page for archive and simply use
Take charge of the footer
Same as archive pages. With Exopite you can assign a page to it (and edit with a page builder) or use unlimited widgets in unlimited rows.
Create totally unique posts or pages
The two lasts point on the left, are about to use a page as footer, archive or preheader globally. With Exopite you can assign a different preheader, footer or archive from page as well as menu or logo for every post or page via filters.
Revisions amount control
It is a great feature to avoid to losing your content, but with time, it will really slowing down you site. More about Revisions amount control.
Load only the required CSS and JavaScript
Load only the CSS and JavaScript for the option what you seleted. Top of that, all CSS and JavaScript file will be combined and minified
Dream for developers
All functions are pluggable, support all Theme Hook Alliance with some extra hooks and also a JavaScript Hook System included. Not to mention shortcodes -among others- for include any page content, a widget or a whole PHP file.
and of course, you have what other has
Unlimited sidebars, unlimited colors, widget areas everywehere (with SiteOrigin Page Builder), etc... See below.
Core features
Mobile-friendly (Responsive)
Responsive, looking awesome on any devices (based on Bootstrap 4 flex grid system).
Optimized for SEO & speed
To reach a maximum number of people with a maximum satisfaction. With speed with low memory consumption.
Hero Header
Hero header with image or video, normal, fixed or parallax, for beautiful and (re)markable websites.
SiteOrigin Page Builder
Build your site back and front-end with a top-of-the-line drag-and-drop page builder.
Basic security out of the box
Protect your site form the beginning.
Whoever it is recommended to use a security plugin for even more protection.
Whoever it is recommended to use a security plugin for even more protection.
Google fonts and a lots of colors
Hundreds of fonts and millions of colors to make your site astonishing and unique.
High performance multi-purpose WordPress premium-grade theme
to create a responsive, lightning fast websites with an amazing user experience.
Exopite One is allow you to create unique sites without coding.
Better SEO out of the box
- Responsive
- GZip compression
- No index archive and search pages
- Add canonial url
- Use of schema.org directives
- Breadcrumbs and auto-generated meta tags (if Yoast SEO not installed)
- Use only the nessesearly Javascript and CSS files and automatically combined and minified them for better performance. Based on on the activated elements.
- CDN for even more speed (bootstrap)
- Load Google Fonts async
Customizable Header with multiple styles
- Switch between customizable header styles with clicks
- Navigation: logo top, left, right, middle, floating navigation, fixed navigation
- Menu: top, left of the site
- Floating and fixed heade,
- Customize colors, spaces, borders and shadows
- Hero header with image or video (self hosted, Youtube or Google), normal, fixed or parallax
- Preheader, above and below menu widget areas, and
- if logo on the top, use have left and right side widget area in the menu row
- You can assign a page to the preheader area

Take a full control of your Blog
- Advanced blog options
- image top, image left/right, image zigzag, no image
- full, exceprt or no content
- single column, multi column up to 4
- masonry, column mode, normal, normal width same height
- first in full width
- Take a full control over your archive pages! Assign any page to archives.
- Sticky post by category
- Post navigation. Also in same term and/or infinite
- Releated post by categories or tags, 1-4 columns
- Exopite page/post options to customize each induviduell page or post like page layout: left sidebar, right sidebar, no sidebar or others like header, footer, sidebar, menu, title, meta, breadcumbs can be turn on or off
Admin area
- Amazing admin panel by CodeStar
- Unlimited Colors
- Unlimited Thumbnail Sizes
- Unlimited sidebars, you even can create and assign different sidebar for each page!
- Widget areas everywhere: side left or right, preheader, pre menu, after nav, footer, copyright
- Better admin area with post thumbnails, duplicate posts and pages
- Display shortcode list
- Unlimited Footer Widget Areas
- and if it is not enough, you can assign any page to display its content in the footer!
- Fixed (slide-up) or static footer
Better security out of the box
- Quick security check
- Limit login attempts
threshold and duration customizable - Hide login error details
- Disable the plugin and theme file editors
- Stop user enumeration
- Disable xmlrpc
- Prevent malicious URL requests
- Check comment referer
- Email sending on false login attempt
- Layout: wide, boxed
- Hundreds of fonts with Google fonts
- Font Awesome fonts also included
- Multiple image hover effects
- shortcodes: include any file also PHP, display any widget or complet sidebar, shortcode menu, social menu, woocommerce-cart
- Translation ready with included .pot file. You can use Exopite with any language or with WMPL, multiple languages.
Build stunning layouts with Page Builder by SiteOrigin
- It is free and highly recommended.
The best solution around. - Drag & drop site building in the back and the front end.
- Really Fast. Much faster than the competition.
- A lot of plugin available to extend
(loading effects, parallax or video background, etc…) - Intuitive and really easy to learn
- No coding or shortcodes are required
- Responsive out of the box
- Copy-paste support, even between pages
- Clean code
- With theme hooks you can make all your page individual
- Full support for the Theme Hook Alliance
- JavaScript Hooks for further customization
- Child theme included, so you don’t have to create them yourself.
GDPR Conform
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation which is intended to harden and unify data protection laws for countries across the European Union. Its primary designed to protect and give back the control for EU residents over they personal data.
- Option to download automatically all Google Fonts and include them locally
- Option to use CDN