Exopite Responsive Displayer
WordPress Plugin
Display device related content only without hide anything.
Conditional display via shortcodes, class names or hooks, depending on the visitor’s device.
Super Fast
SEO Friendly
Save bandwidth
You no longer need to rely on display:none;
or other techniques to hide content for devices (mobile, desktops, etc…). Instead you can control which content is being displayed, removed or replaced with alternatives.
Do not download unnecessarily content. Save bandwidth. Hiding techniques in your posts unknowingly displayed on a visitors device and that can be considered as Non-user initiated download. In other words that visitor had no idea that he or she has to download unnecessarily content using their bandwidth.
No more hidden content. Not to mention, hidden content is far from ideal for your Google SEO. Depending on your hidden content (like duplicate content, keyword stuffed content, hidden links, etc…) you can be penalized by Google.
Ultimately your site will load faster on the visitors device. This is especially important in mobile devices.
This plugin give to the ability to add/display content on a specific device using a [device-name][/device-name]
shortcode or the hook and remove any content with a remove-[device-name]
Available devices
tablet, mobile, android, android-mobile, android-tablet, ios, iphone, ipad, linux-desktop, mac, desktop, windows-desktop, windows-mobile, windows-tablet, blackberry, bot
Bots: “google”, “duckduckbot”, “msnbot”, “bingbot”, “ask”, “facebook”, “yahoo”, “addthis”
, where device-name is a device from the list above.
Eg.: for a mobile:
, where device-name is a device from the list above.
Eg.: for an Android tablet the following classes will be removed: .remove-tablet, .remove-android, .remove-android-tablet
The plugin can add [device-name]
to the body classes, for design purposes. It is disabled by default.
add_action( 'exopite-responsive-displayer-is-[device-name]', 'your-function' );
Filters | Desciption | Defaults | Values |
exopite-responsive-displayer-add-body-classes | To add body classes | false | true/false |
exopite-responsive-displayer-devices | To change devices list | see above | array |
exopite-responsive-displayer-add-shortcodes | To register shortcodes | true | true/false |
exopite-responsive-displayer-remove-classes | To remove classes | true | true/false |
Technical details
For remove the classes the plugin uses Output Buffering and PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser to parse the entire page after it is rendered by WordPress to the output buffer.
To detect the devices, plugin uses information form $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']