Exopite Simple Options Framework
The Exopite Simple Options framework give you the power build a WordPress options pages or meta boxes in an elegant, fast and easy way. It has been designed to be simple, feature rich, lightweight, developer friendly, customizable and extendable to meet your needs.

Fast, easy and lightweight option/metabox form generator.
No ads, Files are loaded only when required. Minimum footprint.
Easy to integrate with any plugin or post type (even WordPress theme, but it is not designed to do so).
Open Source
Exopite Simple Options is free and available on Github. Feel free to submit patches or add more features.
$config = array(
'type' => 'menu', // Required, menu or metabox
'id' => $this->plugin_name, // Required, meta box id, unique per page,
// get_option( id )
'menu' => 'plugins.php', // Required, sub page to your options page
'submenu' => true, // Required for submenu
'title' => 'The name', // The name of this page
'capability' => 'manage_options', // The capability needed to view the page
'tabbed' => false, // Separate sections to tabs
$fields[] = array(
'name' => 'first',
'title' => 'Section First',
'fields' => array(
// fields...
$fields[] = array(
'name' => 'second',
'title' => 'Section Second',
'fields' => array(
// fields...
$options_panel = new Exopite_Simple_Options_Framework( $config, $fields );
background by www.heropatterns.com/